We are grateful that Roussemie and Gimey are recovering. Special thanks to the missionaries Bill Morse and Karleen Zuercher who have been helping Dr. Andle Prevot care for Roussemie and Gimey on virtually a 24 hour basis.
Medical supplies for continuing treatment at the John 3:16 Guesthouse have been purchased .
A continual flow of well wishers and the children from the orphanage show how much love and respect Roussemie and Gimey have from the community. Gimey was up and about on the front porch of the guesthouse today, his hands are very badly burned.
The repair of the Orphanage is under way, the walls and ceiling
as well as the parts of exterior were power washed. New doors were purchased and the walls are being prepped form painting. We are grateful for the prayers and monetary support . More prayer support and money is still needed. We thank God for his continuing grace as He walks with Roussemie and Joseph Lucien in their ministry at the Center of Refuge Orphanage .