Emmanuel Michel the director of the John 3:16 Guesthouse asked us why we focus on children in need when there is so much need in the elderly community in Jacmel Haiti. There is no government safety net in Haiti to take care of the aged. If they have outlived their family, they depend on the church or begging for life’s most basic needs,food and shelter.
We asked Emmanuel to come up with a proposal and he came up with an incredible plan that you can download here.
We hoped to build a home for the elderly as God gives us direction. We did and are currently funding a program that will provide regular staples of rice, beans, oil, sugar and dried fish to elderly Haitians, based on their need. Emmanuel Michel is selects the people from the Jacmel church. When missionary teams are in Haiti they deliver the food and pray with the people. When no teams are their Emmanuel follows up with the deliveries and prayers. Below is a post from one missionary trip.
Our Missionary teams bought bulk rice, beans, cooking oil, tomato sauce and sardines to distribute to the elderly as part of our elder care outreach. We divided up the bulk items into individual portions to deliver to homes around Jacmel. The first home we visited was Madam Silius, as we walked to the home, I thought it looked pretty good, then we went around back and saw where she really lived in a makeshift tent.
Later, a missionary team from Ohio State University built a small home for Madam Silius. We went to visit a number of other elderly people in their homes in Jacmel. We delivered food as well as praying with them and interviewing them so that we could get to know their circumstances better and get to know them personally. We are grateful that God has used our mission trip to minister to these people.
Jacmel Lutheran Home
The Lutheran Women’s Missionary League (LWML) gave Ministry In Mission a national grant to build an elder care home in Jacmel Haiti. To our knowledge there are no elder care facilities in Haiti.
The parcel of land that is adjacent to the Center of Refuge Orphanage was large enough to accomodate the planned elder care home that would serve 10 residents.
Rev. Marky Kessa, Pastor of The First Evangelical Church of Jacmel, designed and general contracted the building using Haitian Labor. Missionary teams from the US periodically assisted in construction. Ministry In Mission worked closely with Pastor Kessa funding and helping supervise the project.
Members of the Iowa West district of the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod, provided guidance and expertise on care and the needs of the elderly. Staff members of the award winning “Perry Lutheran Home” in Perry Iowa travelled to Haiti to help assess prospective residents.