Imagine being married, being in your mid 80s, having a husband that is blind. Having very little food and no family.
That is where Loraine Pierre Louis and her husband Exivra Jean found themselves. Both Christians, I am sure that when Widline Dubreuze, head nurse at Ministry In Missions Jacmel Lutheran Home, invited them to become new residents, it was an answer to prayer.
Feb. 3 was their first day! The capacity of the Jacmel Lutheran Home is now at 10 beautiful elderly people. That is the maximum number of residents that the home can handle.
Loraine and Exivra, are from Ravine Normande, a village close to Jacmel. Loraine is 85 years old and Exvira is 87.
After a bath and hot meal, they settled in. They will continue to receive loving care, visits from a Pastor, medical attention, daily meals, clean clothes and companionship from the other elders at the home.
All this is made possible by the donations by people in the US that have a heart for care of the elderly.
As they sit on the porch of the Jacmel Lutheran Home and watch and listen to the children from the adjacent orphanage I am sure that will thank God.
Ministry In Mission thanks God and you for your support