About ALMA
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The Association of Lutheran Mission Agencies (ALMA) is dedicated “To connecting and equipping Lutherans for God’s Mission.”
The Association of Lutheran Mission Agencies is a professional service organization linking and equipping Lutheran mission agencies, congregations, and individuals for sharing and demonstrating the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
ALMA encourages cooperation in mission efforts in order to advance God’s mission.
ALMA works alongside The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS).
ALMA began in 1996 with less than 10 mission agencies. Today approximately 65 different mission groups represent a variety of specialties, people groups and geographic focuses. (See Mission Agencies link for specifics.)
Scope of Mission Work
While most of ALMA organizations are based in North America, membership is open to any Lutheran mission agency, society, congregation or individual anywhere in the world. For more information on how to join ALMA go to the membership page.
- ALMA’s Web site connects Lutheran mission groups, congregations, and individuals to one another and to the worldwide Lutheran family. The Web site provides information about mission opportunities for mission involvement and models for agencies and congregations looking for ways to work more effectively.
- ALMA encourages member agencies and other mission-involved individuals and groups to share information, mission opportunities, and best practices to encourage more effective mission work and greater participation in mission efforts by all members of the Body of Christ.
- ALMA officers refer those in need of information assistance and counsel to the appropriate ALMA agencies with the experience or expertise in a given situation.
- ALMA promotes participation in mission alliances and coordination with LCMS. Individual ALMA agencies may also elect to develop a formal partnership with LCMS or another member agency.