• A Recognized Service Organization of The Lutheran Church Missouri Synod

What a September for Ministry In Mission !

It has been a great September for Ministry In Mission. We started by spreading the word about Haiti Mission Trips at Messiah Lutheran Church in Cincinnati OH at the request of Pastor John Mitchell (see 9/14 post). Following that we had a fundraiser at Progressive Field where a number of Ministry in Mission supporters cheered on the Cleveland Indians and raised funds for the continuing work in Haiti.

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The Lutheran Church Missouri Synod held a 4 day International Disaster Relief  Conference at Concordia Seminary in Fort Wayne Indiana. Jackie and Mark Rychel from  Ministry In Mission were  invited to the conference along with Rev. Marky Kessa, President of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Haiti, and his wife Sydney. By meeting people from all over the world , from Madagascar to the Philippines, we were able to observe how they handled disasters. Rev. Ross Johnson, director of LCMS Disaster Response  organized the event that featured a presentation by Rev. Matthew Harrison, President of the LCMS.

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St. Thomas Lutheran Church in Rocky River OH has been a long time supporter of Ministry in Mission’s work in Haiti. On Friday Sept. 27 , Wally and Joyce Senney hosted the St. Thomas Endowment Committee at his home for an evening with Pastor Marky and Sydney Kessa. It was an awesome opportunity for Pastor Van Scyoc  of St. Thomas and the committee to hear first hand how their contributions are making a difference in the eternal lives of the people Pastor Marky serves in Haiti. Below is a picture of Wally Senney getting ready to feed the children at the twice a week feeding program in Jacmel Haiti  and a picture of St. Thomas Lutheran Church


On Sept. 29 at  St. Mark Lutheran Church in Chesterland, OH, Pastor Marky Kessa gave the sermon at all three services.   A benefit dinner to raise funds for Ministry In Mission’s work in Haiti was held in the afternoon. Haiti supporters from all across Northeast Ohio attended. Pastor Marky gave a presentation about the continuing  work  in the Lutheran Villages. Ministry in Mission would especially like to thank the St. Mark’s Women s League  for their hard work and donation of  the meal. We are also grateful for board member Lorna Henderson’s delicious deserts.

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Ministry In Mission is grateful for all the prayer and financial  support we receive from across the United States and around the world.


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